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Put on a mask. Save lives.
Wear a mask
Wash your hands
Maintain social distance
Protect yourself and the people around you by getting the right information and taking appropriate precautions. Follow the recommendations of your local healthcare institution. Consult your local health care facility for the best guide available in your area.
To prevent COVID-19 from spreading:
Leave a safe distance (at least 1 meter) between you and other people, even if they don't look sick.
Wear a mask in public places, especially indoors or where physical distance is not possible.
Choose open and well-ventilated locations instead of indoor areas. Open a window when you are indoors.
Clean your hands frequently. Wash with soap and water or use alcohol-based disinfectant to clean.
When it's your turn, get the vaccine. Observe local guidelines for inoculation.
When you are coughing or sneezing, close your nose and mouth with the inside of your elbow or with a handkerchief.
If you're not feeling well, stay home.
If you have a fever, cough, and respiratory distress, seek medical attention. Call the healthcare provider you will contact in advance so you can be redirected to the right healthcare facility as quickly as possible. This approach protects you and prevents the spread of viruses and other infections.
Masks that properly cover the face can help prevent the virus from spreading from the person who is wearing a mask to others. The mask is not sufficient alone to protect against COVID-19; it must be used with physical distance and hand hygiene precautions. Follow the recommendations of your local healthcare institution.
For information purposes only. Consult your local health care provider for advice.


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